Whenever you have logged into a public WiFi network, the chances are that you connected your device to a WiFi hotspot. This type of connection is very beneficial since you don’t use your private data connection, and the signal is generally quite good. In fact, hotspots are becoming more and more popular as they are being introduced in public infrastructures as something indispensable.
What do you know about WiFi hotspots? Let’s dive into some of the basics regarding this topic, such as what a hotspot is and its types.
What is a hotspot
Hotspots are public internet access points, or spots, that allow people in their nearby to connect to a WiFi network. They require a wireless local area network, or WLAN, with a router connected to an ISP, or Internet Service Provider. These internet access points can be both in private or public locations. However, they are mainly known for public ones, such as airports, hotels and coffee shops.
Mobile and fixed hotspots
When referring to a WiFi hotspot, most people use the terms “hotspot” and “mobile hotspot” interchangeably. However, they are two different things.
What is usually referred to as regular hotspot is an internet access point created by a WiFi router connected to a fixed internet connection. For instance, places like airports, coffee shops and libraries will have a fixed WiFi hotspot.
On the other hand, a mobile hotspot is portable and, therefore, it can change its location. Most smartphones have the ability to become mobile hotspots, which implies that your phone’s data connection can be extended to other devices.
While mobile hotspots require a password decided by the owner, regular hotspots usually request signing in and accepting the website policies. To protect your information, it is recommended to send your data to fully encrypted sites only.