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AnyTek’s Hints & Tips, Avoid Scams, Security and much more…

What there is to know about WiFi Hotspots

Whenever you have logged into a public WiFi network, the chances are that you connected your device to a WiFi hotspot. This type of connection is very beneficial since you don’t use your private data connection, and the signal is generally quite good. In fact,...

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How to be protected against phishing

Nowadays, the likelihood is subjected to phishing keeps increasing with the expansion of internet usage for everyday life activities, such as shopping and online banking. Anyone who regularly uses emails can be targeted by phishing scammers as one of the most common...

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Is Public WiFi Safe?

Accessing the internet when you are in the comfort of your own home isn’t a problem. Indeed, you know it is a safe connection as it is password protected and you know who is connected to it. On the contrary, when you connect to a public WiFi, many risks can occur as...

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Cool Mac Tricks You Should Know

1. Show Full File Path In Finder When I first moved from the Windows to the macOS system, the thing which frustrated me the most was its file organisation structure. I always knew where my files were on my Windows machine as I could categorise the files in different...

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Cool Mac Keyboard Shortcuts

Apple's keyboard shortcuts can make you more productive and efficient. Here are some of the most useful keyboard shortcuts for macOS. Mac keyboard shortcuts that will enhance your productivity Command + Tab This key combination will allow you to cycle through open...

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Computer Tips & Tricks Everyone Should Know

Sometimes we find some cool Tips & Tricks and reshare Article supplied by Techspot Many hardcore computer users might consider themselves above learning new tricks, but there are always new ways to sharpen your skills on the PC and we bet that you will find at...

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What to Do If You Were Scammed

Find out what to do if you paid someone you think is a scammer, gave them some personal information, or if they have access to your phone or computer. If You Paid a Scammer If You Gave a Scammer Your Personal Information If a Scammer Has Access to Your Computer or...

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10 Things You Can Do To Avoid Fraud

Crooks use clever schemes to defraud millions of people every year. They often combine new technology with old tricks to get people to send money or give out personal information. Here are some practical tips to help you stay a step ahead. Spot imposters....

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AnyTek - Computer Support & Repair - Tenterden