Radio Music Metadata & Volume Leveling Service
It doesn’t matter what station style you are—community, commercial, DAB, or online. Without good metadata and basic audio levels, your playout system could break the rules, and some tracks may not sound great. Yep, even if you have great audio processing, the output (that often highlights poor audio quality)
If this sounds like your station, read on. We have a great solution for you!
• Why is Music Metadata so important to your station?
• Why is music levelling equally important?
In simple terms, without accurate metadata, your station’s playout system can repeat tracks, potentially leading to listener frustration when they hear the same track over and over. Misspelt tracks can make your web player or even RDS info look unprofessional or embarrassing. This is a problem that needs immediate attention.
Common mistake:
Ripping commercial Audio CDs via title services from iTunes, Amazon, etc, have the wrong public data submitted.
The library was manually ripped, and an incorrect title was added.
This can occur for a number of reasons, all of which can significantly impact the quality of your station’s broadcast.
1 – Duplated tracks with incorrect information, i.e. misspelt artist or title
2 – Brake your station’s playout system rules
What we see all the time… example below:
1- Title: Dacing Quen, ABBA – Dancing Queen
1 – Artist: Blank or Various Artists
2 – Title: Elvis Costello & The Attractions – Elvis Costello and tHe AtTr – Olivers Aarmy
2 – Artist: Track 01, 02 etc.
We now offer a complete music library clean service, correcting wrong title information (metadata) and setting the audio levels to match the great broadcast output. With this solution, you can feel confident that your station’s music library is in top shape, relieving you of any worries about incorrect metadata or audio levels.
Completed files will have the following metadata:
Artist, Album. Track title, Genre and Album artwork
If you are using audio processing, like BreakAway One, StereoTools Optimod, etc., hear the difference with our new (MAS) Metadata Audio service.
We have helped many professional and start-up online stations across the UK take their audio titles to the next level!
Choose your audio format output: WAV, MP3, or M4A etc.
*Note that some audio formats are incomplete with metadata, though we can still offer you an audio levelling service.
If you’re a BreakAway One user, ask about our (APS) Audio Profiling Service!
Contact us today for more information.